Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I am sooo tired.  When I go to bed it takes forever to get to sleep and is just as hard to stay asleep.  When I am woken in the morning by the alarm, husband or children all I want to do is go back to sleep and on those occasions when I can sleep for as long as I like, and I do, I still wake feeling tired, usually stiff and usually with a headache.

I am lonely.  I have no close friends, no-one too talk to, no-one too vent to, no one to share any joys with.

I live in a house with 4 other people.  But, I may as well live alone, all of us in seperate rooms on computers doing our own thing, perhaps I could change this, but then that would mean I would have to leave my computer too and I am selfish, I don't want to do that.